eSight® Corporation was featured in an article “Technology helps Kingston, Ont. university student see brighter future” by Global News.
How Ibrahim Discovered The eSight® Technology
Ibrahim Kettaneh, a Computer Science student at Queen’s University, Kingston, was only 10 years old when his Stargardt illness was discovered. His illness further led to macular degeneration in both of his eyes.

In addition to his eye condition, his field of vision is distorted, making it challenging to distinguish fine details like writing. However, Ibrahim’s resilience pushed him to find a solution to his condition since he was unwilling to accept a life with imperfect vision.
Ibrahim claimed that as he got older, he started using the internet to assist him find a solution to his issue. While doing so, he discovered the eSight® Eyewear, a piece of technology made especially for people like him.
Ibrahim completed high school and was admitted to Queen’s University to study computer science. He is now employing his vision to assist additional individuals who are similar to himself.
According to his father, Hasan, Ibrahim intends to use his education to innovate and create new things related to genetic coding or genetic therapy. He wants both his work and his narrative to benefit those who are going through a similar situation.
Read the complete article here.
How Can eSight® Technology Help Others Like Ibrahim?
eSight 4™ is the most advanced wearable device for people with central vision loss. All ages may use it, and it has a fast, high-resolution camera that captures everything the user is looking at.
The eSight® Technology works by igniting synaptic activity in the user’s remaining photoreceptor cells. The assistive device makes the most of the visual information given to the brain to organically fill in gaps in the user’s field of vision using a cutting-edge camera, clever algorithms, and high-resolution OLED screens.
The eSight 4™ is completely portable and preserves use of the wearer’s remaining peripheral vision, enabling the user to facilitate daily activities like going to sporting events, seeing plays, or navigating a grocery store.
Advancements With The Upcoming eSight Go™
eSight Go™, the upcoming model, was introduced to the public at CES 2023 in Las Vegas, which comes with an improved image stabilization module. The new device gives a clearer image & reduces motion blur due to movements users make while using increasing magnification settings. To learn more about eSight Go™, check out the product page.
eSight® Corp is still working to optimize the new software and planning to launch eSight Go™ in Q4 of 2023. To get new updates about our upcoming eSight Go™, join our exclusive waiting list on the eSight Go page.
If you or your loved one wants to try eSight® devices and go through the easy screening process, please use our Free Consultation to know if you’re the right candidate for eSight® electronic devices.