Veteran Coverage

Are you a Veteran?

eSight is 100% Covered by Veteran Affairs
Health Coverage

eSight TeleHealth For Veterans

An Exclusive Remote Product Evaluation Program for Veteran Affairs

There are 1 million low vision veterans in the United States

eSight Eyewear’s advanced technology can help military service men and women living with visual impairments to:

  • Return to civilian life
  • Re-integrate into the workforce
  • See loved one’s faces
  • Mobility and independence
eSight Go, eyewear for limited vision

How can you qualify for eSight ?

If you have VA health coverage and are low vision or legally blind then you may qualify to receive an eSight device, paid for by the VA.

We’re here to help determine if eSight is right for you. We’ll also connect you to your Visual Impairment Service Team Coordinator (VIST) and local VA for coverage of your eSight.

eSight is clinically proven and available under contract through the Veterans Association (Contract number 36F79719D0058, MAS Schedule/SIN 65IIA/A-94).